Tag Archives: enlightenment



All of us have those areas of our potential that we have successfully developed, to whatever extent, and those that lie dormant, waiting to be awakened.  By developing those mental areas that are considered weak, a synergetic effect is produced, improving all areas of mental performance.

If you are a right-brain dominant Creative with logic and analysis lying dormant, working to develop that area will actually boost your creative side.  The same is true for the Intellects, by nurturing the right side; your creative mind will flourish as well as your analytical.

The two sides of the brain deal dominantly with different types of mental activity and are linked by a complex network of nerve fibers called the Corpus Callosum.  The left side deals with logic, words, reasoning, number, linearity and analysis or the academic activities.  While the left-brain is engaged in these activities, the right brain is in a more restful state.  The right side deals with rhythm, images, imagination, color, daydreaming, face recognition and patterns.

Many of the Great Minds were using both ranges of their brains.  Though Albert Einstein was considered left-brain dominant, he failed French, a left-brain activity and played violin, created art, sailed, and played imagination games, all right-brain activities.  The imagination games are what provided him with significant scientific insights.

One day while daydreaming on a hill, he imagined riding sunbeams across the far extremities of the Universe and returning to the sun.  At that point he realized that the Universe was curved.  Weaving numbers, words and equations around this daydreamed image; he formulated the Theory of Relativity, a synthesis of the left and right brain.

Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most accomplished humans to ever walk the planet.  Though known most as a great artist he was also accomplished in physiology, science, architecture, mechanics, anatomy, physics, invention, meteorology, geology, engineering, and aviation.  He also played, composed and sang improvised ballads using any stringed instrument given him.  He combined the different areas of his latent ability, creating 3-dimentional drawings to illustrate his scientific ideas as well as architectural plans for his great painting masterpieces with straight lines, angles, curves and numbers incorporating mathematical, logical and precise measurements.

Learning is imperative to evolution and enlightenment.  Seek knowledge and try all that interests you.  The more you experiment, the more you learn and the more expansive your mind becomes.  By integrating art into a left-brain dominant lifestyle, ones life becomes more colorful and interesting while adding a new language to a right-brain dominant lifestyle can enable an artist to think logically and analytically, thus giving them an edge in promoting their work.