Tag Archives: writing



Ancient Greeks believed inspiration came from the 4 muses.  In the Middle Ages, Philosophers believed creativity was unique to only certain people.  Creativity, however, is a crucial part of every job.  In art, it involves problem solving and developing a creative process.

We live in a society, however, that is left-brain dominant, one that discriminates against the right brain.  Limits are placed on human consciousness in our mundane day to day requirements.  Children start with a strong right brain but are conditioned out of it, conditioned to take orders.  The Arts have been pulled out of the curriculum, stunting the growth of the creative mind and hence endangering our existence as a creative species.

What has been overlooked is the importance of the creative mind not only in the Arts, but also in every aspect of life.  It enhances life’s quality.  The creative mind looks at one thing and sees another.  It sees things come alive.  Science is now pioneering on this subject of creativity in the brain and calling it Positive Neuroscience.

So how does creativity or inspiration work?  Well, Neuroscientists have discovered that the 4 muses indeed pay a visit … and usually when we’re in the shower!  Why the inconvenient timing?  Because that is when our left-brain is busy with a mundane task and the right brain has a chance to stand up and be heard!

It has been found that by doing a mundane task like taking a shower or a walk, we are in our most creative state.  It has also been found that while in that creative state, especially when creating inprovisationally, the entire frontal lobe becomes idle.  This is the area of the brain that is in charge of self-awareness, or our perception and concern of how others view us.

So how can we be more creative?  In two words … LET GO!  Get out of your own way and just do it!  There are absolutely no rules except one … DO IT!  Time spent being creative strengthens that ability.  Let yourself be free to express whatever comes … however it comes.  Express your Beliefs, Passions, Views, Loves, Hates … in whatever way they come whether it be writing, drawing, painting, music, cooking, gardening, speaking, dancing or WHATEVER moves you.  Those Philosophers were wrong!  Everyone with his or her entire brain in tact is capable of creating.  Make art a way of life.

It’s wonderfully amazing, creating madness to make sense of your world.  Celebrate life.  Believe in life’s possibilities.  Creativity is a means of self discovery with each work of art revealing an aspect of ones character.  Creativity is your personality revealed.  It’s your soul expressed.  No need to please or impress anyone.  Creating is for you!


“Think of a world where the Creatives are at the top of the pyramid and the Logicals are the support system at the base.  Cream does rise to the top and is the crowning treasure of the milk.  The milk holds and supports the cream, perhaps sensing how precious it is.”

We are currently in a period of flux.  The world has been run systematically by the Logicals who are now scratching their heads trying to figure out why the template isn’t relevant anymore.  It’s the same formula.  They have dictated all of society through educational requirements and laws to conform to the template.  The government has taught society how to be logical and how to take orders.   

The Creatives have been pushed to the bottom of the food chain while greed and power has dominated our culture.  Large corporations, motivated by money, have set the rules in their favor with no thought of the ramifications.  The opposite of Creation is Destruction and that is where we are now.

We have been trained to do certain things in a certain way starting from grade school; however, the principles of being logical that once sustained us are no longer relevant.  Government and economics are now changing and society is breaking down.  Because of these global changes, we cannot continue to use the same tools and expect the same results just as we cannot use the same tools and expect different results.  It’s time for a complete “start over!”

Our training to live in a logical world has caused society to conform and follow.  We are the Sheeple and those who do not follow the set parameters are said to be criminals; but note, staying in this Sheeple-mode is now self-destructive.  The Sheeple will go down with the ship!   The Cream will rise to the top!

Remember, the greatest minds that rose to power, did so because of their creativity, because of their “outside thinking.”  Be inspired by them!  In this time of change, adaptation is necessary.  Erase the chalkboard.  Contemplate new things.  Tap into your imagination.  Focus on nurturing your Creative Side.  BE CREATIVE!